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17 December


You might have the question in your head which I've been thinking about recently! Why did I actually start blogging? Why do I put so much of my life on social media? It has been something I have thought about for a while and here I am going to tell you the reasons behind why I share so much of not only my personal life online with you guys. The bottom line is because I LOVE it. but lets look deeper into the actual reasons.


Brian Clark

Some of you may or may not be aware I use to write another blog a few years ago, which lets say was shambles!!!!
I wasn't that confident in the way I was writing and I didn't feel as if I was engaging much with my audience, which made me feel hesitant whether to start my new blog as "LucieLouBlogStyle" I wanted to do something which gave me a reason and a goal ever week to produce something. However I didn't want to be seem as "that girl" I was sure what the reaction was going to be with me bringing out a new blog. I brainstormed a range of ideas and found out my blog interests and thought just do it! So I did. But as a result I've had so much support and encouragement from you all.

Which then brings me onto this blog the reasons.... and I can say I have a fair few reasons why I started blogging, since starting this blog I’ve also learnt things I could do better for my blog which is something that is slowly developing, however I’ll explain the reasons behind why I do it and why I am so dedicated to write a blog for you guys every week.

1. Having a creative side which I have control over.

I’ve always been relatively creative with things I do, and I’ve always had interests in things such as art (which I was no good at haha) and I’ve always wanted to use my creative side in a way which I am good at and that I would enjoy. I’ve always been told I’m good with my words and that maybe blogging would be a good way of using this creative side,which at first I was hesitant. However when I started my new blog I soon realised my love for it, whilst a lot of hard work and time goes into blogging (which people may not realise) It requires you to think of different topics every week. Also having to create an image to the person you are and the topics you choose and want to write about. Having new ideas, photography for your blog, creating a creative way of writing. There is a lot of things to think about. I do love it though as it allows me to use my imagination and create blogs that not only I enjoy and love making but hopefully good blogs for my following readers. The creativity behind being a blogger is endless and this is one of the main reasons I decided to do it. If you are thinking about blogging then go for it. You can put your own spin on your blogs and simply find your passion and what you like writing about and away you go. You'll find your interest and your readers will follow you on your journey. I mainly write about myself, lifestyle, beauty and fitness. Simply because I enjoy it and want to write about them.

2. Confidence

I don’t know about you guys. But I am someone who’s not got a lot of confidence at all. I’ve been like this for such a young age, over the past few years I have started to become more confident however I am always worried about putting myself out there. Overtime I have developed more confidence but it’s something I lack in a lot which is surprising as I am in a customer facing role and I do this as a hobby. However I’ve always have been inspired by YouTubers and their amazing work. I would absolutely love to have the skill set and confidence to do something like that. However putting myself so much out there through a camera scares me a lot. Which is why I opted for this way of interacting with you guys. I prefer writing things down and expressing my thoughts and feelings in writing. It helps me massively with my confidence and it’s not something out of my comfort zone but it allows me to do something I love doing. Being a blogger. Is very much put yourself out there I know. But I have found a way of comfortably doing this, I know a lot of people that this kind of work for the views or for the money. Trust me it's not easy. I’ve done it because it’s something I want to do, and the thought that people are with me on this journey gives me so much confidence. I can’t thank you all enough.

3. Communicating with you guys!

Blogging involves a lot of communication whether it’s through your blog or over social media. I am very active person on social media and this is how I promote my blog and talk to you guys. Instagram is my main way of interacting and it’s the one I use the most and I personally think it’s the best way of putting yourself out there. I have a lot of friends, family and other bloggers on there. I have a normal personal Instagram and a business blogging Instagram which is my main two ways of communicating. I love this part of my hobby as I like to help and support others like they do with me. Although my way of communicating is again through writing, pictures and the odd message it’s a way I feel comfortable and I feel it creates a community.

4.  I simply enjoy it.

I’ve said it, but I'll say it again. Blogging is no way an easy hobby to have and like last week I didn’t manage to post. Life sometimes gets in the way and I’m only human. But every blog post I make I put everything into them and I do them because I enjoy producing something every week . I like having something to work towards each week. I am a full time worker and I find this is a way of distressing myself in the evening, knowing that when I post at the end of the week I’ll have people wanting and willing to read my blog and the satisfaction I get from makes me so happy. which then makes the hours and work  I put into each post I write soooo worth it.

5. Meeting others and meeting people over social media

Like I've said to you before blogging is a big community and there are a LOADS of people out there who do blogging, have blogs and are very good and well known, which sometimes can mean your blog can be swallowed up around the other good blogs out there. Just ignore it, you do you and ignore everything else, this use to dishearten me but I remembered the reason I am doing this. Whilst many people may think that this industry can be seemed as a competition and judgemental. I can tell you it's NOT everyone is generally supportive of each other. My main way of meeting people is through Instagram and my blog comments. My followers I receive on my 'LucieLouBlogStyle' Instagram is majority other bloggers and we all help each other on our journey's as bloggers, sharing our blogs with one another. It's a nice way of helping one another and gaining friends just through having the same passion or hobby. I think social media as much as it can be frowned upon, if it is use correctly it is such a good place to promote blogs, vlogs etc with people and I love making friends and followers through doing something I simply just love.

6. Helps with mental health!

This is a word that gets thrown around way to much. Mental health is something serious and that is sadly suffered by a lot of people, which is so upsetting, and I have to say the people who deal with it everyday each and everyone of you is INCREDIBLE,  and you should all be PROUD of yourself.

This is actually going to be one of my blog ideas to write about in the future as I feel so passionate about it, and it is important to speak about it. I am someone who doesn't actually such suffer with mental health myself but I find that writing my blogs allows me to wind down after a hard day at work. A way of shutting away from the outside world and a way of doing someone I love. I think sometimes having something to help occupy yourself in the evenings or maybe as a distraction is something that is important. I find that if I do something it helps me relieve stress and worries,  helps me in my daily life, which is actually what made me turn to my blogging and set up my blog. It helps me to become dedicated to something. Ok I get it sometimes you don't want to do anything, you want to curl up in a ball and vanish from planet earth. We all have weeks like that. I had one last week, but since I started writing this blog again I feel so much more motivated. Sometimes you need to think about YOU. It's something people forget to do. But it is very important.
I know I have rambled on, but what I am trying to say is try find something that YOU enjoy and that YOU feel helps you feel less stressed and anxious. This is what I did to help this and this is also how I found my love for blogging.


This brings me to the end of this blog. I could go on about the reasons I started blogging. I am so happy and glad I started another blog again. At least this one isn't shambles like the other one. I enjoy being a weekly blogger. I have an image, a blog and a time each of my blogs go up. This is all I need. I love this as a hobby as it is simply just me, a laptop and my ideas written down for you all to read. It honestly amazes me how many people have interacted with this blog already, I have so many ideas coming your way for blogs and I can't wait to share them with you all. Next year is going to be a big one, full with fun filled blogs. I am excited to see what Lucie Lou Blog Style will bring in 2020. See you Sunday with another blog. My last one till after Christmas.

Lucie Lou Blog Style xoxox
